R6 class of the ROCR tool


An R6 class object.


ToolROCR is a wrapper class for the ROCR tool, which is an R library that provides calculations of various performance evaluation measures.

See also

This class is derived from ToolIFBase. create_toolset for creating a list of tools.

Super class

prcbench::ToolIFBase -> ToolROCR


## Initialization
toolrocr <- ToolROCR$new()

## Show object info
#>     === Tool interface ===
#>     Tool name:            ROCR 
#>     Calculate AUC score:  Yes
#>     Store results:        Yes
#>     Prediction performed: No
#>     Available methods:    call(testset, calc_auc, store_res)
#>                           get_toolname()
#>                           set_toolname(toolname)
#>                           get_setname()
#>                           set_setname(setname)
#>                           get_result()
#>                           get_x()
#>                           get_y()
#>                           get_auc()
#>     Help file:            help("ToolROCR")

## create_toolset should be used for benchmarking and curve evaluation
toolrocr2 <- create_toolset("ROCR")