The plot function creates a plot of performance evaluation measures.

# S3 method for sscurves
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for mscurves
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for smcurves
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for mmcurves
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for sspoints
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for mspoints
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for smpoints
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for mmpoints
plot(x, y = NULL, ...)



An S3 object generated by evalmod. The plot function accepts the following S3 objects.

  1. ROC and Precision-Recall curves (mode = "rocprc")

    S3 object# of models# of test datasets
  2. Basic evaluation measures (mode = "basic")

    S3 object# of models# of test datasets

See the Value section of evalmod for more details.


Equivalent with curvetype.


All the following arguments can be specified.


  1. ROC and Precision-Recall curves (mode = "rocprc")

    ROCROC curve
    PRCPrecision-Recall curve

    Multiple curvetype can be combined, such as c("ROC", "PRC").

  2. Basic evaluation measures (mode = "basic")

    errorNormalized ranks vs. error rate
    accuracyNormalized ranks vs. accuracy
    specificityNormalized ranks vs. specificity
    sensitivityNormalized ranks vs. sensitivity
    precisionNormalized ranks vs. precision
    mccNormalized ranks vs. Matthews correlation coefficient
    fscoreNormalized ranks vs. F-score

    Multiple curvetype can be combined, such as c("precision", "sensitivity").


A character to specify the line type as follows.






both lines and points


A Boolean value to specify whether point-wise confidence bounds are drawn. It is effective only when calc_avg of the evalmod function is set to TRUE.


A Boolean value to specify whether raw curves are shown instead of the average curve. It is effective only when raw_curves of the evalmod function is set to TRUE.


A Boolean value to specify whether the legend is shown.


The plot function shows a plot and returns NULL.

See also

evalmod for generating an S3 object. autoplot for plotting the equivalent curves with ggplot2.


if (FALSE) {
### Single model & single test dataset

## Load a dataset with 10 positives and 10 negatives

## Generate an sscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
sscurves <- evalmod(scores = P10N10$scores, labels = P10N10$labels)

## Plot both ROC and Precision-Recall curves

## Plot a ROC curve
plot(sscurves, curvetype = "ROC")

## Plot a Precision-Recall curve
plot(sscurves, curvetype = "PRC")

## Generate an sspoints object that contains basic evaluation measures
sspoints <- evalmod(
  mode = "basic", scores = P10N10$scores,
  labels = P10N10$labels

## Plot normalized ranks vs. basic evaluation measures

## Plot normalized ranks vs. precision
plot(sspoints, curvetype = "precision")

### Multiple models & single test dataset

## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
samps <- create_sim_samples(1, 100, 100, "all")
mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
  modnames = samps[["modnames"]]

## Generate an mscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
mscurves <- evalmod(mdat)

## Plot both ROC and Precision-Recall curves

## Hide the legend
plot(mscurves, show_legend = FALSE)

## Generate an mspoints object that contains basic evaluation measures
mspoints <- evalmod(mdat, mode = "basic")

## Plot normalized ranks vs. basic evaluation measures

## Hide the legend
plot(mspoints, show_legend = FALSE)

### Single model & multiple test datasets

## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
samps <- create_sim_samples(10, 100, 100, "good_er")
mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
  modnames = samps[["modnames"]],
  dsids = samps[["dsids"]]

## Generate an smcurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
smcurves <- evalmod(mdat, raw_curves = TRUE)

## Plot average ROC and Precision-Recall curves
plot(smcurves, raw_curves = FALSE)

## Hide confidence bounds
plot(smcurves, raw_curves = FALSE, show_cb = FALSE)

## Plot raw ROC and Precision-Recall curves
plot(smcurves, raw_curves = TRUE, show_cb = FALSE)

## Generate an smpoints object that contains basic evaluation measures
smpoints <- evalmod(mdat, mode = "basic")

## Plot normalized ranks vs. average basic evaluation measures

### Multiple models & multiple test datasets

## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
samps <- create_sim_samples(10, 100, 100, "all")
mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
  modnames = samps[["modnames"]],
  dsids = samps[["dsids"]]

## Generate an mscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
mmcurves <- evalmod(mdat, raw_curves = TRUE)

## Plot average ROC and Precision-Recall curves
plot(mmcurves, raw_curves = FALSE)

## Show confidence bounds
plot(mmcurves, raw_curves = FALSE, show_cb = TRUE)

## Plot raw ROC and Precision-Recall curves
plot(mmcurves, raw_curves = TRUE)

## Generate an mmpoints object that contains basic evaluation measures
mmpoints <- evalmod(mdat, mode = "basic")

## Plot normalized ranks vs. average basic evaluation measures

### N-fold cross validation datasets

## Load test data

## Speficy nessesary columns to create mdat
cvdat <- mmdata(
  nfold_df = M2N50F5, score_cols = c(1, 2),
  lab_col = 3, fold_col = 4,
  modnames = c("m1", "m2"), dsids = 1:5

## Generate an mmcurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
cvcurves <- evalmod(cvdat)

## Average ROC and Precision-Recall curves

## Show confidence bounds
plot(cvcurves, show_cb = TRUE)

## Generate an mmpoints object that contains basic evaluation measures
cvpoints <- evalmod(cvdat, mode = "basic")

## Normalized ranks vs. average basic evaluation measures